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Aura Absorber


The Aura Absorber 

If there was every any doubt that auras are real, Allister diminishes it.

Reading people is difficult, but with the right gifts, it's simple enough to find those who are pure of heart. Unless they're so good at masking their aura that even the best get fooled.

Best friends, Allister and Gael, embark on a virtual adventure to find the truth of their bad luck to find that it isn't quite a coincidence. After many years apart they become inseparable again.

Until Perla comes along.

Tasked with stealing her aura, Allister knows it's not right anymore and does everything he can to protect and train her while they're both being hunted.

In a world where the truth can be anything, and lies mean nothing, peace will prevail.

Wars are waged and lost friends and family are joined again by tragedy.

When hope is all lost, it is given again through kindness and determination.


Chapter One

11 minute read

A recent heatwave plagued Santiago, confusing everybody with their current fashion sense. People walked by in t-shirts and shorts while others strode in raincoats and sweaters. Despite the warmth, the day never brightened from the soulless grey blanketed concrete city blocks. Sat in the park, Allister studied the tarot cards he placed out in two rows. ‘I perceive a great change is coming.’ His black hair draped over his face, partially in shadow from the young woman sitting opposite. She observed him intently as he put one tarot card down after another. ‘Can you see the six of pentagals?’ Her ample blue eyes widened with a troubled look. ‘This is most interesting.’

              ‘What is it?’ She said. Allister leaned back on the cemented bench. ‘What? What is it?’

              The features on her face blurred out of focus. A brown halo hovered over her like a thick vapour released from her skin. Allister watched it shift orange. ‘I can continue with an extended reading, Ms Kempster?’

              The woman grinned slyly. ‘What do you see?’

              ‘Be careful, Allister.’ A voice came into Allister's hidden earpiece. Gael listened to everything from a microphone concealed in a can of coke next to the deck of cards. ‘She's got a bit of a history.’ Gael whispered.

              ‘You've got a drive to do good, consumed by a need to purchase and obtain irrelevant material goods,’ Allister said bluntly. She shook her head. Her eyes then returned and locked with his. ‘It will change your life.’ He promised. She nodded and pulled out her purse from her handbag.

              Gael sat in the basement of his parent's house in Buin, several miles away. Raised in the small village southeast of Santiago, his dark basement was full of ghosts of a family, one lost from tragedy, kept alive only in memory. A picture on the wall of his family stole his sight whenever he looked up, a photo of him standing next to his father where his mother was carrying a little girl caught in the middle of a roaring laugh. He gulped down the remainder of a can of energy drink to keep his wits sharp.

              The social media profile of Camilla Edington covered the five monitors set up around his supercomputer. ‘What's your deal?’ He'd always ask while he reviewed the details of the clients Allister found. ‘She lives with ma and pa, three dogs, studied sociology in...’


              Allister tilted his head as his earpiece itched. The woman watched him curiously. ‘The cards reveal that you live in the company of loved ones.’ He paused and waited for more information. The silence gave Camilla a few moments to digest the information he told her before he continued. ‘You studied in university something that you loved but have been unable to follow up on in your professional career.’

              She puffed and stuck her nose up. ‘That's so not true.’ Allister moved his head around in a semi-circle unveiling his greyish-blue eyes. The hazy brown aura radiated further from around her; the edges lightly glowed orange. The truth can never remain hidden for long.

              ‘You don't believe in God, fate or destiny,’ Allister added. She licked her yellow front teeth and then agreed. She gestured with her hand to continue. ‘You have recently had to say goodbye to someone, dear.’

              She swallowed. ‘It was a true friend. She went to live in Australia.’

              Gael skimmed through comments on social media. She frequently talked to Monica Patersworth, her best friend from college. Gael saw pictures of her leaving a party on her Facebook and read private messages from her about how much she missed Monica, then relayed them to Allister.

              ‘Now you don't know what you want to do with your life.’ Allister continued. He inspected the cards once more. ‘You want to travel but can't because of someone you love dearly in your life.’


              ‘Her mother has got a disease, something called.... fibromyalgia.’ Gael voiced into the microphone. The monitor showed pictures of Camilla with her mother in a clinic. Gael clicked on several groups she was a member of to see what this disease entailed.

              Tense opposite the young woman, Allister ran a hand through his hair and slanted forward. Camilla sat on the edge of her bench and waited for more he had to say. Hands reached out towards her over the table, he turned the final cards over before she grabbed his free hand. ‘What else do you know?’

              He nodded to her handbag on her shoulder. ‘I can tell you more.’ The white in Camila's marble eyes reflected the brightness of the cloudy day. She reluctantly submitted. ‘Okay, spirit clarify the six of wands for Camila… Kempster.’ Allister stretched out her surname. He placed another card on the table that appeared like an inverted pyramid towards her. He paused and waved over it. ‘The pyramid will show you your route, from the foundation of the who you are now to the peak of your aspirations.’

              Camila dropped her shoulder, loosening her handbag. She flicked through a stash of dollar bills. ‘It's all I have.’ She told him, then slammed a hand on the table. ‘What else do you know?’

              It wasn't much money, Allister thought. At least, not as much he would have wanted. He slapped another tarot card down. It was an image of Aphrodite pouring water into the oceans. ‘What does it mean?’ She asked.

A rustle of leaves blew around them. A caw from a passing hawk filled the autumn sky. ‘It’s a card of two lovers. You are searching… searching for your soulmate.’

              She snorted and laughed awkwardly. ‘Who isn't?’

              ‘She's had many boyfriends, but none of them seemed to take her seriously...’ Gael browsed more pictures on social media. ‘She appeared to have relationships with a variety of men who remained on her social network as friends.’

              ‘You fear your mortality and inevitable maturity,’ Allister said softly.

              She cleared her throat and scanned other people walking around in the park. ‘That was just a kind way of saying that I'm getting old,’ she said.

              A darkened, dusty, smog-brown aura blurred around her, then faded into a paper-thin layer. Allister reassured her. ‘Age brings maturity; maturity brings wisdom.’ He creased his brow with raised eyebrows. His grey eyes shone with a slight twinkle of empathy. ‘There is a man out there for you. You must be vigilant and be ready to welcome your coming good fortune,’ he said.

              ‘I will.’ She said. The late afternoon sun remained hidden, but a beam of light ripped through the thick layer of cloud and shone briefly on the two. ‘What else does it say?’

              Allister and Gael went on to tell Camilla all they know from her online information. From dating profiles to employment records, Allister presented it all as if he were reading the tarot cards. In the past, Allister understood the cards well and predicted the future, but since he surrendered the sight to Gael, Allister had to return to this way of depending on technology.

              He put down another card. An image of the skeleton and the hourglass shook Allister; he froze. His hand trembled. ‘What is it?’ She asked.

              ‘Nothing.’ He stroked his stubble and bit a piece of skin off his fingertips. He took a sip of bottled water he had next to the can of coke. The corner of his shaded eyes glimpsed the image of a girl who looked like Geraldine.

              ‘Are you ok?’ Gael asked through the microphone.

              Allister cleared his throat and continued. ‘This shows you have to be careful. You never know when your time is up.’

              The woman's face dropped, and she shook her head. ‘I'm sorry, I have to go. I can't ... thank you.’ Camila stood up. Her body shuddered. Allister watched her race off continuously, thanking him. He counted the notes she passed him and put it in his top pocket.

              Allister smirked and heard laughter from children who played nearby. He turned to observe the people around him. He stretched back his face, and with his grey eyes, blurred his vision to view the energy fields surrounding everyone. ‘They don't ... They can't...’ He sighed and collected the cards, put them in a backpack next to him.

              A few steps from his favourite bench he turned around and under the shadows of the trees, he saw the image of the young Geraldine running with other children. A knot wrapped around his neck, and he swallowed hard.



20 years ago.

The black tarmac beneath the children's feet gripped them both firmly. A gush of laughter came from the girl in the front. ‘Come on you silly billy's.’ She waved at them to catch up with her.

              The twelve-year-old Gael glimpsed back at Allister who was panting, shaking his head to stop, doubling over to catch his breath. Gael grabbed his friend by the back and shout back to Geraldine, reaching the end of the street. ‘I win!’ She declared as she jumped up and down.

              Gael stood up straight with hands extended then clapped. ‘Bravo, lil’ sis. Come on, Allister.’He nudged him with a hip, and Allister launched up.

‘Congratulations Geraldine.’

              They both admired the young girl's tenacious need to compete. The afternoon sun rays shone on the little girl. Her light brown hair swayed around her. They had been playing in the street away from the park on their way home from school; nobody was around this time of day. Geraldine took a deep breath of the countryside air and stuck her tongue out to mock the older boys.

              Allister winced at her, then paused as a purple haze of fire ignited around her. ‘Geraldine?’ He shouted.

              The stunned little girl's eyes opened wide as she spun around. ‘What is it?’

              Allister turned to Gael, where a yellow haze surrounded him too. The little boy pushed Gael's hand away as it reached out to calm him down. ‘Don't touch me.’ He snapped back. The purple array around Geraldine grew bigger and more potent. Allister observed a field of ripples expand from the outside of her skin. Stunned, Allister turned back to his friend. ‘Can't you see that?’

              ‘See what?’ Gael questioned sharply with a shrug of shoulders. ‘Like what? Do you see her aura?’

‘Aura?’ Allister's face twisted.

              Geraldine walked back towards them. ‘Yeah.’ She cartwheeled and then skipped in front of him. ‘The aura is the atmosphere to our body. The life-force that surrounds us, penetrates us, binds the universe together.’

              Allister shot them both a ridiculous gaze. ‘That's from Star Wars.’


              ‘No seriously,’ Gael told him. ‘Our Mum n' Dad is really into it. Can you really see the aura?’

              ‘I don't know, I saw… fire, a purple, raging fire around you, Geraldine and a yellow one, round you… Gael.’ Allister stared at his hands as a light turquoise blue appeared around the edges of his fingers. ‘I guess. This is the aura.’



Present Day

The dark basement was lit only by the blue, fluorescent light that shone from the servers and constant LED's beeping from the switches around the PC's. Gael wheeled back from the computer and took off his glasses. An open packet of crisps fell on the floor and as he stretched to pick it up the doorbell rang from upstairs.

              The windowless room was full of empty cans and wrappers from all the different types of fast food he had eaten over the past few weeks. He rolled his eyes and glanced up at the staircase then turned towards the elevator on the far side of the room. He wheeled himself onto the ramp then closes the metal doors manually before pressing the red button up.

              The lift stammered and lifted him up to the first floor where he came out to an American-style kitchen. The struggling cable stalled before he could wheel out onto the floor. ‘I need to get that fixed.’ He reminded himself and pressed the red button harder to move it the extra two inches to move his chair gently onto the shiny green tiled floor.

              The doorbell rang again followed by a heavy knock at the front door. ‘I'm comin', I'm comin'. Geez.’ Gael wiped his nose and pulled his long greasy hair back. He opened the front door and blinked rapidly to adjust to the natural light of the late afternoon.

              Two police officers stood next to a short man who held a yellow piece of paper up to him. ‘Mr Salvatore?’

              He squinted up at them, unable to withstand the light. He held his hand up, concealing the need to wipe his sweated brow. ‘Yes. What's this about?’


              A policewoman leaned forward. A strange odour whisked around her, a strong yet sensual perfume. She spoke softly. ‘Mr Salvatore. This is the apparent eighteenth visit of Derek Cocci. He informed us that the rent of the property hasn't been paid for almost a year. He has an order for your removal of the property.’

              Gael's chest tightened. He lowered his hands onto the armrests of the wheelchair. ‘My dad is going to pay. I have already tol...’

              Derek Cocci, the landlord, scowled at Gael. He spat out a curse and turned to the other policeman behind him. ‘I don't care, I am a year out of pocket, and you ‘ - his index finger swung around and pointed only a few inches from Gael's face. ‘... have a contract to abide by.’

              ‘Can you not see I'm in any condition to work?’ Gael protested with hands gestured down at paralysed legs. ‘I told you last time, I am waiting for the money to come in.’

              The policeman behind Derek remained with arms crossed and the policewoman stood up straight. ‘I'm afraid Mr Salvatore if you are unable to pay the rent for the residence then we are obligated to ask you to vacate the premises.’

              ‘I understand, officer.’ He admitted with a long sigh. ‘My father left with his new wife and he told me he would continue to pay the rent but I haven't heard from him in over a year and my savings are nearly all gone...’

              ‘Do you know how we can find him?’ The deep voice of the blue-uniformed policeman asked behind Derek. Gael raised his shoulders and stuttered many times as he spoke incoherently. ‘I'm afraid Mr Cocci has every right to evict you from the property unless you pay rent.’

              ‘Yeah.’ Snapped Derek with a sense of authority. ‘I'm not here to pay for a cripple.’

              Gael's head shook and back stiffened. ‘I'm not crippled. I'm wheelchair bound you, cretin. I work from home and at the moment the economy ...’

              ‘Always an excuse.’ Derek bit back and leaned towards him. A stench of onions and garlic seeped through the man's lips.

              Gael turned to the uniformed policewoman next to him and continued. ‘Listen, officers, madam, sir. I've got a cheque coming in soon, and I promise as soon as I get it I'll pay...’

              ‘You owe seven thousand, four hundred and eighty-eight dollars and sixty-seven cents.’

              Taken back by the exactness of the amount he owed, Gael blinked and pondered how on earth he was going to pay that amount. Perhaps he could negotiate some kind of payment plan with Derek. I'd need a miracle to pay that off, Gael instantly thought. He typed up the amount on the phone and studied it. Gael looked back up at the three individuals.

              ‘How many cents was that again?’

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